So our next stop in our road trip across the country was Kansas City, Missouri. We got here on Saturday the 1st, and we ended up staying until Tuesday morning. It was a long day of driving, but it was worth it. God had some amazing things waiting for us. While we were here, we checked out IHOP (the International House of Prayer). For about five months now they have had these Awakening services going on four days a week. So when we got here we checked in, unpacked and headed out to check one of them out.
It was my first experience with IHOP, and although I've heard a lot about it, I wasn't sure what to expect. The message was the gospel, which was awesome and an affirmation of the message God has put in our lives. During the few hours we were there, God really reminded me of some things, refreshed me and renewed me. Towards the end of the meeting, they asked any visitors to come forward to receive impartation so we all headed up there.
I was standing in that line, feeling the Spirit, but standing like a board, and this older, white haired woman came up to me. She grabbed my hands and wanted me to dance with her, so I did, but it was half hearted. While she was dancing with me, she said something just in passing but it really cut into me. She said: "Don't be religious."
My gut reaction was offense, but within ten seconds I felt a witness of the Spirit. When did I start to take myself so seriously? When did I forget to rejoice? To dance? To yell and clap and stomp? God really did something in me in that moment. A work of release and freedom.
Dad was in his element. Surrounded by older, wacky intercessor women, grunting and dancing and having a ball. It was awesome. There were some really right on words for a lot of us, and I left encouraged. We spent the next couple days checking out the 24/7 House of Prayer, and experienced several divine appointments. We also connected with some friends of our friends Stephen and Jenny. Originally, we were going to leave Monday morning, but really felt that we were to stay another day. I am so glad that we did.
John and Sarah Markman were the reason we came. God had something for each of us individually here, and although we were all enjoying IHOP, I was waiting for that to happen. Because we stayed an extra day, we were able to meet them and their two adorable little girls, and they were courageous enough to have all eight of us over for dinner in their apartment. It was such a divinely anointed time. They are originally from Springfield, Ohio and they are on staff with IHOP. Wow. God spoke so clearly through them to each member of our family. It was timely, accurate and encouraging. It brought a renewal and a release of the Spirit. God did a final work of freedom for me in some areas, specifically self hatred and my identity. It was so awesome.
The process of this trip has been interesting. At each stop I feel like the Spirit has been doing a step by step work of preparation in all of us, getting us ready for Springfield. I am so excited for what the Lord has for us there, individually and as a family. And I know that He has a home for us, and that the provision is there already. Thank you GOD! There is such a joy in my spirit right now!
Love and blessings,
Lovely Leah!
ReplyDeleteI thought I posted a comment a couple of weeks ago, but I don't see it! :(
I feel that the Lord is doing "A New Thing" in and with you and it's amazing!
Infused with joy for all the world to see!
Lose CONTROL and let it flow girl! ;)