I woke up with a new song in my heart a few weeks ago: "Revelate all the time with Jesus. Revealate every hour!" Revel: to be festive; make merry; to take much pleasure (in) (Phil. 3:1) Reveal: to make known (something hidden or secret); to show; exhibit; display. May we revelate all the time with Jesus! May we revealate every hour.
Also the Lord spoke and said, "Learn the lesson of the Cicada" I marvel at all of His creation and wonder at it's design and beauty. What an incredible creature, the Cicada. The Cicada is a large flying insect with transparent wings; they praise the Lord with an amazing sound; kinda like a metal chain saw sound--usually through out the night. We witnessed and watched some of them as they crawled out of a hole in the ground and slowly climbed a tree and attached itself to a leaf or small branch. By the way thanks to my son Ethan, this lesson comes to you. His childlike curiosity in our Father's creation is such an example to me. Anyway, as the Cicada attaches itself it proceeds to shed its skin or skeleton; because it out grew it. I never thought I would like bugs, but I do. Once they shed their skin; they sing for joy-enlarged, changed and transformed. Yet there is more.
In reading about the Cicada, I found out that there are annuals and periodicals. Annuals obviously come out every year, but the periodicals come out either every 13 or 17 years. Almost all their life they live in a dark hole in the ground, hidden and alone. In this place of darkness is where most of their growth occurs and then at just the right time they come forth, shed their skin and sing praises to our God. They only live above ground from 30 to 60 days and then they die. What an amazing message. To all you Cicadas out there; your time is coming; come forth in Jesus name. Thank you for your willingness to live in a hole and not bypass the process of growth and formation. Many have bypassed the process--only to live for the immediate. But many of you have said yes to Jesus and your time in History is at hand. Get ready for the Cicadas are coming!
Our tent dwelling days are done; they served a purpose but now we are in a house. No more tick checks, no more bug bites no more smoke smelly clothes; The Highly Unusual One came through as always. Thankful for the testings; we move on changed, encouraged and excited about the future. A year ago while google mapping Springfield, I was so drawn to Limestone street; I sensed a phrase in my heart, "Limestone street revival! Yes Lord, here and now! Well guess where we are living--you got it; right smack dab on South Limestone street! While we were living in tents we all sensed that with no effort on our part, the Lord was going to present a place to us. A week ago we were called by a man who not only offered the house to us but also an apartment across the street--a perfect place for Leah, Jesse and Micah. This all came to pass through the Divine appointments I mentioned in a previous Blog.
We have been sent with a purpose and we are going for it with all our heart. South Limestone is a very impoverished place, "we aren't in Kansas anymore". Yet as I have walked the streets in prayer; the tangible presence of the Lord is so apparent. I sat on a corner for about an hour on Limestone; all the while a butterfly remained even in the midst of windblown traffic it stayed. Jesus is here to stay. The eagle has landed. The Lion is roaring and great transformation and change is at hand. I danced with a broken drunk man on the street: he prayed for me and I prayed for him. I met a guy named g-papa and a guy named d. We prayed together, "Oh Lord burn open their eyes with the fire of your Love!"
We love you. We would love to hear from you. Your prayers and support are so crucial. For you specific intercessors and you know who you are; thank you! THANK YOU!
Our new address:
1555 S. Limestone St
Springfield, Ohio 45505
Love D-love Brother Duke
Awesome God works in mysterious ways!
ReplyDeleteInteresting about the Cicada...especially since Jenna brought that very same insect up about two weeks ago...yes, God...mysterious...yet makes Himself known!
So thankful He has provided a dwelling for you all...the older ones; "a place of their own"...Awesome!
Many blessings and love to you all!
The Humildad's